FAQ - How to prevent my father from spying on me with Lowe’s Iris smart home system? : Signal Jammers | Signal Blockers | Signal Jamming Device | Signal Blocking Device

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[News] - How to prevent my father from spying on me with Lowe’s Iris smart home system?
Hi there!

My father installed Lowe’s smart home system a couple of weeks ago. That’s a cool gadget but now Verizon added a USB modem that is compatible with our smart home system. Now it can be monitored remotely, over the internet. I need to block that, because we can’t hang out with my boyfriend, while my dad is out.
Any suggestions?
Hi Sandy!

Your father made a right choice buying that Lowe’s smart home system. That system has billions of sensors and it can keep your house safe and comfortable. The device has built-in motion sensors, door contacts, alarm and window sensors. And it can be controlled with a smartphone or a tablet from any place in the world. In that case your father can hardly spy on you, but if he bought a range extender he can use wireless cameras as well.

As you know, that system may be controlled remotely over the internet. You should also know that Lowe’s smart home system connects the internet via Wi-Fi and the easiest way to block its connection is to simply jam that connection. Wi-Fi uses 2.4 GHz frequency to transfer data, so you will need a Wi-Fi blocker. Just put it somewhere near your wireless router. It will surely do the trick.

But you should know, that your father cares about your safety and that’s the only reason he may use that system to monitor you. Jammer-Store warns you that if you will use Wi-Fi blocker and Wi-Fi connection fails, smart home system will send notification to your father and he will worry really much.

Thanks for your question and try not to make your father worry about you!
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